Happiness of the Soul. ❤️
For children in treatment and their families, happiness is often very hard to find; that’s why Bryce has always had happiness as one of the four core things he hopes we give to superhero children and their superfamilies through this project. As such, we’re thrilled to announce that “Happiness” is the theme of this year’s Super Max & Bryce journey.

Helping us share happiness with others this year is a family we have loved dearly since the day we met them at Monash Children’s Hospital in 2017. Their daughter Brooke lost her battle against cancer six months after we met them, just after her 2nd birthday last year. Their eldest son, William, age 11, now sleeps under the stars of his sister’s Super Max the Turtle every night as a way to stay connected to her.
We asked William if he would create a picture for us to use on this year’s scarves representing what he believes the project gives to children and their families and what he feels as he sleeps under the stars. He painted us happiness. He wanted to capture the happiness mothers share with their children, especially mothers who are in the unimaginable position of having a child in treatment. His drawing overwhelmed us with its beauty and emotion. It brought tears to our eyes and melted our hearts. It is a tribute from William to Brooke, emanating from his never ending love for her and his family, as it is a tribute to all of the superheroes and superfamilies everywhere from all of us at Super Max & Bryce.

Thanks to the hard work of our friends at Annabel Trends, William’s breathtaking watercolour has now become this year’s Super Max & Bryce scarves. Bryce designed this year’s socks to match William’s painting. This year, our goal is to sell 1,000 scarves and 1,000 socks which will allow us to give one of each to every superhero’s parents and carers as they join our love-, hope-, happiness- and comfort-filled Super Max & Bryce family. We know we can get there with your support.

Here’s hoping this post has warmed your heart and brought you some happiness, just as William’s painting and all of you do for us.